Trilobyte's Book of Secrets is the indispensable player guide for navigating Stauf's mansion and its many devilish puzzles. Stauf got you stuck? Want to make the taunts stop? Look no further. The Book of Secrets will help you out! Walk-throughs, hints and solutions for all the puzzles in The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour plus some bonus music tracks! No "guest" should be caught without one. At least if you expect to get out alive.
The Book of Secrets also includes the original scripts for The 7th Guest and The 11th Hour as an added bonus!
"The 7th Guest iPhone game is awesome. And absurdly frustrating. Am apparently no smarter than I was at 10."
- @land_the_plane
"Does anyone remember the computer game, 7th guest?! So creepy and awesome. @looooo3 and I were too dumb to complete the game."
- @sparklystephiee
"Which way should I go now? :p I'm not getting far with the chess puzzle in 7th guest."
- @ineedausername
"We've been staring at the frigging "letter can puzzle" in The 7th Guest for like an hour now and we're honestly this close to snapping our respective iPads and iPhones over our knees at this point. ... Wait, maybe if ... no, that won't work!"
- Justin McElroy, Joystiq
The 7th Guest: Book of Secrets for iPhone & iPad, the guide to The 7th Guest & The 11th Hour, is available at the Apple App Store.